Inglewood Elementary Principal's Message

Alejandre Gerardo
Dear ICEF Inglewood Dolphin Families,
Welcome to ICEF Inglewood Elementary Charter Academy – a place where families, learning, and warmth come together to create an exceptional educational journey. We are absolutely delighted to have you as part of our community, and we can't wait to embark on a year that promises growth, discovery, and enrichment.
Our school is more than just a place of education; it's a family. Our commitment to fostering a nurturing and inclusive environment is what makes us truly special. As we begin this new chapter, know that you are joining a community dedicated to your child's development and success.
Throughout the coming year, we are excited to provide our scholars with exceptional learning experiences and a range of enriching opportunities. Together, we will explore, challenge, and create, laying the foundation for a bright future.
Once again, a heartfelt welcome to all. We're here to support you every step of the way, and we look forward to celebrating the achievements and growth that this year will undoubtedly bring.
In partnership,
Mr. Alejandre, Principal