Teachers who have knowledge of their students are better equipped to teach them. We believe the relationship between student and teacher plays a large role in the trajectory of a child's academic success and social development. ICEF teachers receive focused professional development on research-based strategies for establishing and nurturing strong relationships with their scholars. |
Student-Centered Math Experiences
We believe the learning of mathematics is driven through a scholar’s curiosity about the world and the relationship between math and their daily lives. Teachers capitalize on this curiosity and highlight students' capability to construct mathematical knowledge. By exploring mathematical relationships, scholars develop critical thinking and problem- solving skills. When our scholars tackle rigorous tasks that balance conceptual understanding, fluency and application, they are equipped with skills to help them tackle 21st century challenges. |
Our K-12 curriculum encourages scholars to read, think and write critically, to develop and debate ideas, and to always support these ideas and opinions with evidence. Students are allowed to do the “intellectual heavy lifting,” while the teacher acts as a facilitator and guide. Our goal is for our scholars to recognize and embrace the power of their own ideas, and teachers are asked to focus on encouraging independent thinking and problem solving. |